HOT Nmail PHP 3 업그레이드 할인
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550 에러 메세지 문의 드립니다.

인****나 2018.09.17 18:03 조회 11485

※ 필수입력정보 ※

▷ 제품버젼 :Nmail PHP2.6.12 UTF-8

▷ 오류발생 메뉴/주소 :****@****

▷ 에러메세지 :

-----Original Message-----

From: ** <****@****>

Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 5:16 PM

To: ****@****

Subject: FW: Error sending message

[***-****-*******-****-****5474816.1fa8cc.eml] from []

-----Original Message-----

From: PostMaster [mailto:****@****]

Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 5:48 PM

To: ****@****

Subject: Error sending message [***-****-*******-****-****5474816.1fa8cc.eml]

from []

[<00>] XMail bounce: Rcpt=[****@****];Error=[550 5.7.1 The mail

has been blocked as it contains a file attachment restricted by the

administrator feZn16yNRbOtkWUlLKjzSQ - nsmtp]

[<01>] Error sending message [***-****-*******-****-****5474816.1fa8cc.eml]

from [].

ID:        <S75D66B>

Mail From: <****@****>

Rcpt To:   <****@****>

Server:    <> []

[<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:

550 5.7.1 The mail has been blocked as it contains a file attachment

restricted by the administrator feZn16yNRbOtkWUlLKjzSQ - nsmtp

[<04>] Here is listed the message log file:

[PeekTime] ***-****-**** : Fri, 14 Sep 2018 17:48:03 +0900 <<

ErrCode   = -162

ErrString = End of socket stream data


"" From = "****@****" To = "****@****"

Failed !

SMTP-Error = "550 5.7.1 The mail has been blocked as it contains a file

attachment restricted by the administrator feZn16yNRbOtkWUlLKjzSQ - nsmtp"

SMTP-Server = ""


[<05>] Here is listed the initial part of the message:

X-AuthUser: ****@****

Received: from DESKTOPNU6AHTV ([]:9621)

       by with [XMail 1.22 PassKorea120228 ESMTP Server]

       id <S75D66B> for <****@****> from <****@****>;

       Fri, 14 Sep 2018 17:47:59 +0900

From: =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?vsjAsQ==?= <****@****>

To: =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?wMy787W/KMGmvu68s7DoM8bAL7D6wOUvLSk=?=


Cc: <****@****>,


Subject: =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?T1BUSUNPTiCw/LfDIA==?=

Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 17:48:06 +0900

Message-ID: <000001d44c07$a835fee0$f8a1fca0$>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/mixed;


X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 14.0

Thread-Index: AdRMB6DyYxZI39LATx+jaeewE71mlQ==

Content-Language: ko

▷ 질문내용 : 에서 해당 메일들로 보낼때 메일이 리턴되고있습니다.

국내메일(저희쪽 메일 , 네이버 , 다음등)로는 정상적으로 수신 발신이 되지만,

해외로 발신할때 메일이 리턴되는것으로 추측됩니다.

해외로의 발신이 막혀있어서 그런건지 아니면 다른 이유가 있는지 질문드립니다.


댓글 1
이전 글 서버차단(발송권한 오류) 문의드립니다. 1 인****나 2018.09.18
다음 글 오늘 스팸이 왕창 왔는데요, 2 한***트 2018.09.14