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메일을 발송할때 [Return Mail] 421-4.7.0 리턴메일 문의

송*******템 2018.06.01 17:07 조회 15413

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메일을 발송시 이런 return mail 을 받았습니다.

원인및 해결방법을 알고싶습니다.

---------- Original Message ----------

From: " PostMaster" &****@****>
To: 3****@b***.org
Sent: 2018-06-01 오후 3:46:05
Subject: [Return Mail] 421-4.7.0 This message does not have authentication information or fails to pass

[Send Fail Message]
421-4.7.0 This message does not have authentication information or fails to pass
421-4.7.0 authentication checks. To best protect our users from spam, the
421-4.7.0 message has been blocked. Please visit
421-4.7.0 for more
421 4.7.0 information. z9-v6si41574352pll.423 - gsmtp

================ Original Message Header ================
>> ReTryCount:2
>> ReTryDate:***-****-****602
>> ReTryCount:1
>> ReTryDate:***-****-****600
>> ReTryCount:0
>> ReTryDate:***-****-****1
>> MAIL FROM:<36***@b***.org>
>> RCPT TO:<wjd*********@****>
>> CONNECTIP:<localhost>
>> Mail_Kind:2
>> x-nmail-delimiter: NMAIL_DELIMITER
>> Message-ID: <2009f903_af59_42d7_9da6_50117a14****@b***.org>
>> From: "=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?sejC+cij?=" <36***@b***.org>
>> To: "=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?wNPBpMi/?=" <05***@b***.org>
>> Cc: "=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?w9bFwr3EIMH3v/ggwMe34cGkurjGwA==?=" <52***@b***.org>
>> Subject: =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?yK/A2iC47bTcILzbus4=?=
>> Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2018 15:41:35 +0900
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
>> boundary="----=_nWmail_NET_NextPart_06eea1ee_b0e2_4db6_9673_ddc90bd4fa22_=----"
>> X-Mailer: nWmail.NET by

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이전 글 스팸메일 분석 및 처리 방법 문의 1 오****공 2018.06.11
다음 글 엔메일 내 2개 도메인에 따른 pop3 설정 1 (********션 2018.06.01