NEW Nmail PHP 3 업그레이드 할인
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탑*공 2017.05.31 09:26 조회 11361

※ 필수입력정보 ※

▷ 제품버젼 : 2.5.3.beta11 UTF-8

▷ 오류발생 메뉴/주소 :

▷ 에러메세지 :

[<00>] XMail bounce: Rcpt=[****@****];Error=[550-5.7.1 [] The IP address sending this message does not have a
550-5.7.1 PTR record setup. As a policy, Gmail does not accept messages from
550-5.7.1 IPs with missing PTR records. Please visit
550-5.7.1 for more
550 5.7.1 information. u5si14561113pgj.197 - gsmtp]

[<01>] Error sending message [***-****-****72.36732.66f7.eml] from [].

ID: <SC55E55>
Mail From: <****@****>
Rcpt To: <****@****>
Server: <> []

[<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:

550-5.7.1 [] The IP address sending this message does not have a
550-5.7.1 PTR record setup. As a policy, Gmail does not accept messages from
550-5.7.1 IPs with missing PTR records. Please visit
550-5.7.1 for more
550 5.7.1 information. u5si14561113pgj.197 - gsmtp

[<04>] Here is listed the message log file:

[PeekTime] ***-****-**** : Wed, 31 May 2017 09:19:57 +0900
ErrCode = -162
ErrString = End of socket stream data
SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "" SMTP = "" From = "****@****" To = "****@****" Failed !
SMTP-Error = "550-5.7.1 [] The IP address sending this message does not have a
550-5.7.1 PTR record setup. As a policy, Gmail does not accept messages from
550-5.7.1 IPs with missing PTR records. Please visit
550-5.7.1 for more
550 5.7.1 information. u5si14561113pgj.197 - gsmtp"
SMTP-Server = ""

[<05>] Here is listed the initial part of the message:

Received: from localhost ([]:60913)
by with [XMail 1.22 PassKorea090507 ESMTP Server]
id <SC55E55> for <****@****> from <****@****>;
Wed, 31 May 2017 09:19:57 +0900
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: ****@****
From: "=?utf-8?B?KOyjvCntg5Htla3qs7Ug6rmA7KSA6rec?=" <****@****>
Subject: 1
Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 09:19:57 +0900
Message-id: <****@****>
X-Mailer: Passkorea.NET Nmail PHP, Build 20101006
Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

▷ 질문내용 :

gmail 에서 메일은 받는데. 보내지지 않습니다. 위 처럼 오류 나옵니다.

또한 등 외국 도메인 등에서 같은 증상이 발생 합니다.

답변 부탁 합니다.

댓글 1
이전 글 아웃룩과 pop3간의 인증문제 2 케*******템 2017.06.02
다음 글 포털에서 보내는 메일이 스팸으로 분류됨 2 블****트 2017.05.25