HOT Nmail PHP 3 업그레이드 할인
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호***터 2016.10.13 15:01 조회 4637

반송메일 확인부탁드립니다감사합니다. -----Original Message----- From: PostMaster [mailto:****@****] Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 2:39 PM To: ****@**** Subject: Error sending message [***-****-*******-****-****08.1982db.eml] from []

[<00>] XMail bounce: Rcpt=[****@****];Error=[550 5.7.0 Your server IP address is in the SpamCop database, bye]

[<01>] Error sending message [***-****-*******-****-****08.1982db.eml] from [].

ID: <SBAD572E> Mail From: <****@****> Rcpt To: <****@****> Server: <> []

[<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:

550 5.7.0 Your server IP address is in the SpamCop database, bye

[<04>] Here is listed the message log file:

[PeekTime] ***-****-**** : Thu, 13 Oct 2016 14:39:08 +0900 << ErrCode = -162 ErrString = End of socket stream data SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "" SMTP = "" From = "****@****" To = "****@****" Failed ! SMTP-Error = "550 5.7.0 Your server IP address is in the SpamCop database, bye" SMTP-Server = "" [<05>] Here is listed the initial part of the message:

X-AuthUser: ****@**** Received: from JHLEEPC ([]:43317) by with [XMail 1.22 PassKorea120228 ESMTP Server] id <SBAD572E> for <****@****> from <****@****>; Thu, 13 Oct 2016 14:39:08 +0900 From: "j.h.lee" <****@****> To: "'Andrea Bartolozzi'" <****@****> Cc: "'j.h.lee'" <****@****> References: <****@****> In-Reply-To: <****@****> Subject: RE: TEXAPEL Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 14:39:04 +0900 Message-ID: <003d01d22514$1c39a840$54acf8c0$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0 Thread-Index: AdIgnQrzYv2PQEB1oUKMIjCzgg+IswDv6toAAC3MqJA= Content-Language: ko

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이전 글 에러 코드 관련 1 문****다 2016.10.13
다음 글 메일정상적으로 보내지는거 확인됬지만 반대상황에선 오류가뜹니다. 5 부* 2016.10.11