HOT Nmail PHP 3 업그레이드 할인
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고객사 메일에러메세지입니다.

넷****템 2015.07.17 13:02 조회 4262

※ 필수입력정보 ※

▷ 제품버젼 : 리눅스

▷ 오류발생 메뉴/주소 : 아웃룩에서 사용중인 고객입니다.

▷ 에러메세지 : From: PostMaster [mailto:****@****]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 9:15 AM
To: ****@****
Subject: Error sending message [***-****-*******-****-****5454976.a69c.eml]
from []

[<00>] XMail bounce: Rcpt=[****@****];Error=[554 bosimpinc14
bizsmtp  Connection rejected. Reverse DNS for does not exist.]

[<01>] Error sending message [***-****-*******-****-****5454976.a69c.eml] from

ID:        <SC2EE>
Mail From: <****@****>
Rcpt To:   <****@****>
Server:    <> []

[<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:

554 bosimpinc14 bizsmtp  Connection rejected. Reverse DNS for
does not exist.

[<04>] Here is listed the message log file:

[PeekTime] ***-****-**** : Fri, 17 Jul 2015 09:12:20 +0900 <<
ErrCode   = -3
ErrString = Network kernel error
ErrInfo   =
SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "" SMTP = "" From =
"****@****" To = "****@****" Failed !
SMTP-Error = "417 Temporary delivery error"
SMTP-Server = ""
[PeekTime] ***-****-**** : Fri, 17 Jul 2015 09:14:28 +0900 <<
ErrCode   = -41
ErrString = Bad server response
ErrInfo   = 554 bosimpinc14 bizsmtp  Connection rejected. Reverse DNS for does not exist.
SMAIL SMTP-Send MX = "" SMTP = "" From =
"****@****" To = "****@****" Failed !
SMTP-Error = "554 bosimpinc14 bizsmtp  Connection rejected. Reverse DNS for does not exist."
SMTP-Server = ""

[<05>] Here is listed the initial part of the message:

X-AuthUser: ****@****
Received: from HB004 ([]:49310)
by with [XMail 1.22 PassKorea120228 ESMTP Server]
id <SC2EE> for <****@****> from <****@****>;
Fri, 17 Jul 2015 09:12:20 +0900
From: =?ks_c_5601-1987?B?KMHWKSDH2Lq7X7Trx6U=?= <****@****>
To: "'SYCHO'" <****@****>
Cc: <****@****>
References: <008101d0a7f5$404defe0$c0e9cfa0$>
<085601d0a89b$78d16350$6a7429f0$> <25C5C3E2-860F-45CB-BCD7-
****@****> <001a01d0acc8$159d4750$40d7d5f0$>
Subject: RE: Tahari Dress
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 09:12:23 +0900
Message-ID: <003601d0c025$413045f0$c390d1d0$>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
Thread-Index: AdCoojyuA+33EmK9SQuBqxBAOK5YfwEH6A5gBJyyMeAAIwwLcAAZCWbg
Content-Language: ko

▷ 질문내용 :

댓글 2
이전 글 Error sending message [1437371166770.140514644965120.b03d.eml] from [] 1 넷****템 2015.07.20
다음 글 메일반송 이유가 뭘까요 ? 1 호***터 2015.07.14