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...죄송한데 다시한번 알려주세요

이*톰 2015.04.17 16:32 조회 4322

※ 필수입력정보 ※

▷ 제품버젼 :

▷ 오류발생 메뉴/주소 :

▷ 에러메세지 :

▷ 질문내용 :

 ' /// 음력 계산
 Set DF = New DiaryFunc
 strSql = ("SELECT " _
 & "LUNAR_DATE " _
 & "FROM " _
 & "LUN_SOL_DATE " _
 & "WHERE " _
 & "SOLAR_DATE = '" & thisYear & "/" & Func.ZeroPlus(thisMonth) & "/" & Func.ZeroPlus(thisDay) & "'")
 Rec.Open strSql, Con, adOpenForwardOnly
 If Rec.EOF or Rec.BOF Then
  Func.Alert "음력 데이터가 없습니다."
  firstYear = Year(Rec(0))
  firstMonth = Month(Rec(0))
  firstDay = Day(Rec(0))
 End If

 If Ccur(firstMonth) = 2 and Ccur(firstDay) = 30 Then
 lunarDate = firstYear & "/" & "03/01"
 lunarNextDate = DateAdd("d", 6, lunarDate)
 End If
 lunarDate = firstYear & "/" & Func.ZeroPlus(firstMonth) & "/" & Func.ZeroPlus(firstDay)
 lunarNextDate = DateAdd("d", 6, lunarDate)
 For i = 0 To 6
  strSolWeek = strSolWeek & "(SYEAR = " & Year(DateAdd("d", i, thisDate)) & " AND SMONTH = " & Month(DateAdd("d", i, thisDate)) & " AND SDAY = " & Day(DateAdd("d", i, thisDate)) & ") "
  If i < 6 Then
   strSolWeek = strSolWeek & "OR "
  End if

 For i = 0 To 6
  strLunWeek = strLunWeek & "(SYEAR = " & Year(DateAdd("d", i, lunarDate)) & " AND SMONTH = " & Month(DateAdd("d", i, lunarDate)) & " AND SDAY = " & Day(DateAdd("d", i, lunarDate)) & ") "
  If i < 6 Then
   strLunWeek = strLunWeek & "OR "
  End If

자꾸문의드려 죄송합니다.

저렇게 입력했는데 계속에러가발생하네요

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일정부분도 음력계산하는게 있던데 그부분도 수정해주어야하나요?

댓글 5
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