NEW Nmail PHP 3 업그레이드 할인
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Nmail ASP 서비스 종료 안내(EOS)

Nmail ASP (nWmail, Nmail Server) 제품은 유상 유지보수를 포함한 모든 서비스가 종료되었습니다.


신*호 2005.02.24 09:29 조회 927

※ 필수입력정보 ※

▷ 제품버젼 : NWMAIL 3.5
▷ 사용중인 주소(URL) : http://
▷ 문제발생시 메뉴/주소 :
▷ RSS확인 러메세지
: =KHKCBPJACPHCNBGEOCODJIBH Sorry, that IP address ( is not on our list. Are you sure you've entered the correct IP address? We list only the IP addresses of hosts that are mail servers that have relayed spam to us, and (obviously) we can only remove an address from our list if it is on our list.
Was ever on our list? Click here to check.

If you don't know which IP address to enter, try examining the error message you received that referred you to our site. It probably contains the IP address in question.

For example, if part of your error message reads:
550 ... no access from [] see


Connected to but sender was rejected.
Remote host said: 550 Mail from refused; see:

In both of these examples, is the IP address in question.

Enter the IP address of the server you'd like removed from our list, then hit RETURN.

이 색인에서 찾아 볼 수 있습니다. 찾을 내용의 키워드를 입력하십시오:

▷ 질문내용
: 질문 7040 인데요.. 확인했는디..이런 메시지만 나오네요..
내용이 자기들 사이트에 없다는말 아닌가요?

댓글 1
이전 글 찾아봤는데 뚜렷한 해결책이 없는듯 해서요 1 윤*호 2005.02.25
다음 글 내공부탁드립니다 1 신*호 2005.02.24