Nmail PHP Guide

- Windows -

Version 3.2























-   -


I.  ġ غ. - 3 -

1.  ġ ʿ α׷ . - 3 -

2.  ޴ ȳ. - 3 -

3.  IIS Apache + PHP + MySQL ġ. - 4 -

4.  Ӽ Ȯ. - 9 -

5.  ϼ(SMTP/POP3) . - 10 -

II.       ġ. - 11 -

1.  ġ α׷ Ǯ. - 11 -

2.  PHP ׽Ʈ(߿!) - 11 -

3.  PHP Ȯ. - 12 -

4.  PHP Ȯ Ȯ. - 12 -

5.  ġ α׷ . - 13 -

6.  ġ ʼ ġ. - 13 -

7.  Apache ȣƮ . - 14 -

8.  Apache ˸ƽ ( ) - 16 -

9.  ȭ Ȯ. - 17 -

10. . - 17 -

11. Ƽ , ȸ ߰. - 17 -

12. TLS SSL ߱ . - 18 -

III.     ϼ ȳ. - 19 -

IV.       POP3(ƿ ) ̿ȳ. - 20 -

V.  ϸ ȳ. - 21 -





I.     ġ غ



1.    ġ ʿ α׷

IIS Apache + PHP + MySQL Windows/Linux ȯ濡 ϵ ۵Ǿϴ ۿ ʿ ּһ ϴ.


[OS] Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2020 (Linux ǰ )

[Web Server] 2.2 / 2.4 , IIS ()

[Language] PHP 5.3 ~ 5.6(32Bit) / PHP 7.0 (64Bit)

(mbstring, iconv ʿ)

[DBMS] MariaDB 5.5, 10.x ġ / MySQL 5.6

[ʿƮ] Visual Studio 2013 Visual C++ Ű


Windows 2008 .Net Framework 4.0


PHP 5.5 5.6 Visual Studio 2012 Ʈ 4 Visual C++ Ű


     PHP 7.0 Visual Studio 2015 Visual C++ Ű 



2.    ޴ ȳ

Ʒó 簢ڽȿ  [ - ] cmd Է â ¿ Էϴ ɾԴϴ̶ (#) ۵Ǵ ȳ̹Ƿ Է ʿ䰡 ϴ.

# PHP ϴ Ȯմϴ.

    => ּǥ÷ ɿ ȳԴϴ.

php -v

    => ͹̳ȭ鿡 ٿֱ⳪ Էؾϴ Դϴ.


PHP 5.3.28 (cli) (built: Dec 10 2013 22:06:17)

Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group

Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

=> ȭ µǴ Դϴ.

3.    IIS Apache + PHP + MySQL ġ

- Ʒ ġ Ѱ Ͻø ˴ϴ.

* PHP 5.3 ~ 5.6, 7.0 ˴ϴ.

* ġ ذϱ , ݵ ֽ Windows update ϷϽñ ٶϴ.


  IIS Apache, PHP, MySQL ġϱ.


Apache - http://httpd.apache.org/

PHP - http://kr.php.net/

MariaDB - https://mariadb.com/

MySQL - http://dev.mysql.com


ٿε) 2017-06-30 ֽŹ

Apache - http://mirror.apache-kr.org//httpd/binaries/win32/

PHP - http://windows.php.net/download/


           * Apache ġ , Thread Safe ޾ƾ մϴ.

MariaDB - https://downloads.mariadb.org/

MySQL - http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/


     Tip) ġ ϵ C:\NmailPHP_install\ صμž մϴ׷ /缳ġ ġ α׷ ã ð ʽϴ.


PHP ġ)

a.  php-7.0.20-nts-Win32-VC14-x64.zip C:\NmailPHP\PHP մϴ.

b.  Apache ġ Ϸ C:\NmailPHP\Apache\conf\httpd.conf LoadModule php5_module Ʒ ߰մϴ.

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html

c.  ġ Ϸ C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php.ini Ʒ ɼ On մϴ.

short_open_tag = Off


short_open_tag = On

d.  IIS FastCgi C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php.ini ּ ؾ մϴ.

;fastcgi.impersonate = 1


fastcgi.impersonate = 1

;cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1


cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

;cgi.force_redirect = 1


cgi.force_redirect = 0

e.  Ȯ ȣ C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php.ini Ʒ ɼ ؾ մϴ.

extension_dir = ext


extension_dir = "C:\NmailPHP\PHP\ext"

f.  [ ] Apache 2.X׸ ٽ մϴ.

g.  ġ (C:\NmailPHP\Apache\htdocs\) ڵ带 test.php ϴ.

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

h.  http://localhost/test.php ҷ鿩 PHP ´ٸ ġ Դϴ PHP ʴ´ٸ ġ ߻ ̹Ƿ Apache, PHP 缳ġ Ͻðų Ʒ غñ ٶϴ.



MySQL ġ)

a.  ġ(mysql-installer-community- մϴ.

b.  .NET Framework 4.0 ġ ʾҴٰ , .NET Framework 4.0 ġּž մϴ.


c.  [Coosing a Setup Type] Custom׸ üũϰ ġ մϴ.

d.  [Available Products] ׸񿡼 MySQL Server 5.6 մϴ.

e.  Ʒ Advanced Options Installation Path: Data Path:  C:\NmailPHP\MySQL Էϰ, ġ մϴ.

f.  [Server Configuration type] Development Machine ſ Server Machine ϰ, ܺο MySQL ʿ䰡 ٸ Open Firewall port for network access׸ üũ մϴ.

g.  [Root Account Password] MySQL root йȣ Էմϴ.

h.  ⺻ ϸ ġ Ϸ˴ϴ.

i.  ġ Ϸ C:\NmailPHP\MySQL\my.ini Ʒó ɼ մϴ.












j.  [ ] MySQL56׸ ٽ մϴ.













IIS + PHP FastCGI ̿ )

a.  [ ] - [ ߰] -  [(IIS)] մϴ.

b.  [ α׷ ] [CGI] üũ ġմϴ.

c.  [IIS(ͳ ) ] մϴ.

d.  [FastCGI] -> [ α׷ ߰] մϴ.

e.  ü ο PHP ġ C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php-cgi.exe ֽϴ.

f.  ٽ php [ó ] մϴ.

g.  [ ߰] Ʒ 3 Էմϴ.

  û : *.php 
  : FastCgiModule 
  (ɼ) : "C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php-cgi.exe" 
  ̸ : PHP_FastCGI 

  û : *.html 
  : FastCgiModule 
  (ɼ) : "C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php-cgi.exe" 
  ̸ : HTML_FastCGI 

  û : *.htm 
  : FastCgiModule 
  (ɼ) : "C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php-cgi.exe" 
  ̸ : HTM_FastCGI 

h.  [û ͸] [ ] մϴ.

i.  [Ǵ ִ ] Ʒ մϴ.




j.  [] index.php ߰մϴ.

k.  http://localhost/ (Ȥ IP)ּҸ ԷϿ,IIS ⺻ ȭ ġ Ϸ Դϴ.


Apache ġ)

a.  ġ IIS ٸ 񽺸 Ѿ 浹 ʽϴ.

b.  ġ ̼ մϴ.

c.  [Server Infomation] ΰ ּҸ Էմϴ.

d.  [Setup Type] Custom մϴ.

e.  [Custom Setup] Install to: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.X\ Changeư Ŭϰ, ġ C:\NmailPHP\Apache ϰ, ư Ŭϸ ġ ۵˴ϴ.

f.  ġ Ϸ [Windows ] ȭ Ŭմϴ.

g.  (C:\NmailPHP\Apache\conf\httpd.conf) ó ɼ մϴ.

DirectoryIndex index.html


DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html

h.  http://localhost/ (Ȥ IP)ּҸ ԷϿ,Apache ⺻ ȭ ġ Ϸ Դϴ.



  AutoSet 10.7.0 - Apache + PHP + MySQL ġ α׷

Ʈ - http://www.autoset.net/

ٿε - http://autoset.net/xe/download_autoset_10_7_0


a.  ġ ٿε ޾Ƽ ϴ ġմϴ. (C:\AutoSet10

b.  Ȩ ̵ ġ ȳǾ ֽϴ.

c.  ġϰ phpMyAdmin MySQL root йȣ ϼž մϴ.  ( ʱ йȣ ؼ Ȼ ֽϴ.)

d.  [ - MySQL ] max_allowed_packet 32M̻ Ȯ մϴ.  ( Ŭ Ͽ ʴ ߻ϰ ˴ϴ.)

e.    [ - PHP ] Sendmail ϰ, [ ] Ŭմϴ. (ؾ Ϲ߼ ˴ϴ.)

f.  [ - PHP Session ] ڵ ϰ, [ ] Ŭմϴ. ( ڵ ۵Ǹ 뷮 ÷ ٿε ó α ʿ ߻մϴ.)

g.  [ ] ġ մϴ.

h.  php.exe php.ini θ ùٸ ã ȯ ߰մϴ.

1.   [ - ý] [] Ŭϰ, [ȯ ]ư Ŭմϴ.

2.   "ý " PHPRC ٸ, [ ]ư ŬϿ ߰մϴ.

          ̸ : PHPRC

          : C:\AutoSet10Server\conf\

                 * PHP ġ ̹Ƿ, ġ ٸ ֽϴ.

    3. Path [] , ݷ(;) ؾ մϴ.




       * ľ ġĿ â more, findstr ʴ ذ˴ϴ.

    4. ϰ, [ - ] cmd ԷϿ â php Ȯغ ˴ϴ.

          php -v

          php -i|findstr ini

) Loaded Configuration File => C:\AutoSet10Server\conf\php.ini


) Ŀ´Ƽ ġ ȭĸĿ Բ ϵǾ Ƿ Ͻø ġ ˴ϴ.

Խù ) ϱ - NMail PHP

Խù ũ) http://cafe.naver.com/autoset/2440



4.    Ӽ Ȯ

Ӽ â ó Ȯ մϴ.



Ethernet adapter :


        DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :



ϵ DNS ù ° Ӽ ϴٰ ° Ӽ ϰ ˴ϴ ù ° Ӽ üӼ ġؼ ش IP νô ϴüӼ DNS 񽺸 ʴ Windows Server OS ⺻ Ǵ DNS Ű ߰صνø ܺγӼ ϴ 캸 ó մϴ׸ üӼ 츦 Ͽ ȣ/ISP ü Ӽ 2, 3 صνô ϴ.


 ϵ Ӽ ϴ ó Ȯغø ˴ϴ.

ex) nslookup ּ ӼIP

nslookup nbuilder.net ӼIP


Server:  passkorea.net



Name:    nbuilder.net




5.    ϼ(SMTP/POP3)

ġ ο SMTP/POP3 񽺸 ϰ ˴ϴ ̴ SMTP/POP3 񽺰 ִٸ [ - ] Ű ڵ ʵ ġϼž մϴ.   Windows Server ǰ SMTP ǰ Ƿ ݵ Ѿ մϴ.

# ϼ SMTP(25), POP3(110)Ʈ Ȯ.

telnet 25

telnet 110


# 25, 110 Ʈ ִٸ ϼ񽺰 ƴϹǷ Ȯϼž մϴ.





II.  ġ



1.    ġ α׷ Ǯ

1. ٿ ġ α׷ Ǯ ɴϴ.

   UTF-8 ǰ - NmailPHP.exe


2. Ǯ ġ C:\ ϸ ⺻ ġ C:\NmailPHP Ǯϴ.   ٸ ص C:\Program Files ó  Ͻø ȵ˴ϴ.




2.    PHP ׽Ʈ(߿!)

â php -v ǰ, php.ini εϴ Ȯϸ ˴ϴ.

php -v


PHP 5.3.28 (cli) (built: Dec 10 2013 22:06:17)

Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group

Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies


php -i|findstr php.ini

#result# PHP ġ

Loaded Configuration File => C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php.ini


#result# AutoSet 10.7.0 ġ

Loaded Configuration File => C:\AutoSet10\Server\conf\php.ini



3.    PHP Ȯ

php ۴´ٸ, ý ( C:\WINDOWS / C:\WINNT ) ȣȯ php.bat ġ մϴ.

C:\NmailPHP\_php.bat_sample ȿ  ˸ php_????.bat , PHP php.ini ° ϰ,  php.bat մϴ׸ php.bat ý ( C:\WINDOWS / C:\WINNT ) ϰ, ٽ php -v" ؼ Ȯϸ ˴ϴ.


ex) php.bat - PHP ġ


C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php.exe -q -c C:\NmailPHP\PHP\php.ini %*


ex) php.bat - PHP ġ 2


C:\PHP\php.exe -q -c C:\PHP\php.ini %*


ex) php.bat -


C:\AutoSet10\Server\php7\php.exe -q -c C:\AutoSet10\Server\conf\php.ini %*


ex) php.bat - RWAPM


C:\RWAPM\RTM20040531\bin\php-cgi.exe -q %*



4.    PHP Ȯ Ȯ

â Ʒó mbstring, mysqli ġǾ ִ Ȯմϴ.

php -m|findstr mbstring



php -m|findstr mysqli




mbstring ġǾ ó php.ini θ Ȯϰ,

php -i|findstr php.ini


Configuration File (php.ini) Path </td><td class="v">C:\RWAPM\RTM20040531\bin\php.ini


php.ini mbstring , mysqli εϴ κ ּ մϴ.









5.    ġ α׷

) Windows 2008 ̻󿡼 bat Ͽ 콺 ߸ Ŭؼ ؾ մϴ.


1. [ Ž] ؼ ġ ̵ϼż nmail_dir_set.bat մϴƮ Ȯ ø ˴ϴ.


2. ġ ȿ nmail_install.bat ؼ ȳ ʿ ԷϽø ġ Ϸ˴ϴ.  ġ Ϸ ȭ鿡 ġ ȣƮ ˴ϴ.  ߰ 쿡 пο ġ ġ ũƮ ٽ Ͻø ˴ϴ ġ ũƮ ߺ ص ߻ ʵ Ǿ ֽϴ.



6.    ġ ʼ ġ

1. Windows Server ǰ ġ '' Ӽ 'everyone' οֽñ ٶϴ.


2. α׷ ġǾ ǽð ߴŰų, 丮 صμž մϴ׸ ͳ (POP3)ɵ ߴؾ մϴ. ϼ Ư ڵ鸵 α׷ 浹 ߻ϴ ֿ ˴ϴ.


7.    Apache ȣƮ

)  Ʈ

Apache ȣƮ ù° ȣƮ ϴ.  ̷ Ʈ(www.YourDomain.com) ȣƮ ¿ Ͽ ȣƮ ߰ϰ ߻ ֽϴ ʵ ̸ Ʈ ´ ȣƮ Ȯ ߰Ͻô° ϴ.


- ڽ Apache ȯ濡 ´ Ѱ ؼ Ͻø ˴ϴ.


PHP ġ - IIS)

       [Ʈ ߰] ޴ θ C:\NmailPHP\nmail ϸ ˴ϴ.


PHP ġ - Apache )

    ġ ڵ C:\NmailPHP\upload\config\httpd_virtualhost.¥ C:\NmailPHP\Apache\conf\httpd.conf ߰մϴ.


# VirtualHost Enabled

NameVirtualHost *:80


# Nmail PHP - http://mail.YourDomain.com/

<VirtualHost *:80>

     ServerAdmin postmaster@YourDomain.com

     DocumentRoot "C:\NmailPHP\nmail"

     ServerName mail.YourDomain.com

     ServerAlias mail.*

     #ServerAlias mail.MultiDomain1.com mail.MultiDomain2.com

     ErrorLog logs\nmail2.error_log

     CustomLog logs\nmail2.access_log combined

     <Directory "C:\NmailPHP\nmail">

         Options None

         AllowOverride All

         AddDefaultCharset Off

         <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>

           Require all granted


         <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>

           Order allow,deny

           Allow from all




[ ] Apache 2.2׸ ٽ մϴ.



   [ - - ȣƮ ] ϰ, Apache Ͻø ˴ϴ.

-    : mail.YourDomain.com (ּ)

-    : mail.* ( ʼ)

-    Ȩ 丮 : c:\NmailPHP\nmail

) ġ Ʒ nmail( ҽ) ؾ մϴ ġ (c:\NmailPHP) ɰ 迡 ˴ϴ.

-    E-mail :

-    Access Log ϴ. ׸ üũ

-    Error Log ϴ. ׸ üũ


׿ )


= ġ ۾ ϷǾϴ.


Apache httpd.conf ȣƮ(Ȥ ˸ƽ) ߰ϰ

Apache ϸ Ͻ ְ ˴ϴ.

  httpd.conf ߰ؾ )

    ) NameVirtualHost, VIrtualHost ׸ ٸ Ȯϼ.

    ) ServerName DNS 'mail'̶ 2

        DNS ڿ Ͻñ ٶϴ.

  httpd.conf Ϲ )

    RWAPM ġ) C:\RWAPM\RTM20040531\conf\httpd.conf

    ġ) C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf


NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

     ServerAdmin postmaster@YourDomain.com

     DocumentRoot "C:\NmailPHP\nmail"

     ServerName mail.YourDomain.com

 ServerAlias mail.*    # mail. ϴ ο Ѵٴ ǹ.

     #ServerAlias mail.MultiDomain1.com mail.MultiDomain2.com

     ErrorLog logs/nmail2.error_log

CustomLog logs\nmail2.access_log combined

     <Directory "C:\NmailPHP\nmail">

         Options None

         AllowOverride All

         AddDefaultCharset Off

         <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>

           Require all granted


         <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>

           Order allow,deny

           Allow from all





) Apache ׸ ִٸ ؾ մϴ׷ Ͽ ѱ ɼ ֽϴ.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8



8.    Apache ˸ƽ ( )

Ϲ ó http://mail.YourDomain.com ּҸ 쿡 ˸ƽ ʿ䰡 ϴ.   ȣƮ ʰ http://YourDomain.com/mail/ · Ϸ ˸ƽ ̿Ͻø ˴ϴ.

Apache httpd.conf Alias ɼ Ʒ Alias ߰ ϸ ˴ϴ.

# Alias

Alias /icons/ "C:/RWAPM/RTM20040531/icons/"

# Alias ( ߰ؾ κ)

Alias /mail "C:\NmailPHP\nmail"

<Directory "C:\NmailPHP\nmail">

         Options None

         AllowOverride All

         Order allow,deny

         Allow from all



9.    ȭ Ȯ

OS ⺻ ȭ̳ ܿ ȭ , Ʈ ּž մϴ.

     TCP 25 ۼſ (ʼ)

     TCP 80 ӿ

     TCP 110 ƿ Ŭ̾Ʈ ޱ .

     TCP 587 ƿ Ŭ̾Ʈ .

* Ŭ̾Ʈ 25 Ʈ ϴ ͵ , Ϻ /ؿ ͳݿ 25 Ʈ ܵ 쿡 ˴ϴ.   ̶ Ŭ̾Ʈ SMTP Ʈ 25 587 ؼ Ⱑ մϴ.

     TCP 995 ƿ Ŭ̾Ʈ ȣȭ ޱ (TLS ).



ġ ּ( http://mail.YourDomain.com ) Ͻø ˴ϴ.  [] ̵ postmaster ̸, йȣ ġ Է йȣԴϴ.


11. Ƽ , ȸ ߰

Ƽ postmaster α [ϼ - ΰ] ߰ ϰ [ϼ - ȸ] ߰ ֽϴƼ ڰ ּ(http://) Ͽ ο ڵ νĵ˴ϴ.


Ƽ ߰ ۾ )

a.  [ϼ] ȸ ߰.

b.  ġ Ȯ.

- ռ ص ȣƮ, ˸ƽ ο ǹǷ ۾   Ͻ ʿ䰡 ϴ.

c.  DNS MX ڵ IP ϼ .


12. TLS SSL ߱

a.   Openssl ̿Ͽ Ű .

Openssl C:\NmailPHP\MailRoot\bin ȿ ֽϴ.

openssl genrsa 2048 > server.key

b.   CSR(Certificate Signing Request) .

openssl req -new -key server.key -out cert.csr -config openssl.cnf


Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: (ڵ)

State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: ()

Locality Name (eg, city) []: (, )

Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: ()

Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: ()

Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []: (θ)

Email Address []: (̸)


Please enter the following 'extra' attributes

to be sent with your certificate request

A challenge password []: (Է ʰ Enter)

An optional company name []:(Է ʰ Enter)

c.   ߱ û.

- SSL Ǹϴ û

d.   ߱޹ Ű C:\NmailPHP\MailRoot մϴ.

- Ű : server.key

- : server.cert

e.   C:\NmailPHP\MailRoot server.tab  Ʒ ɼ մϴ.

"EnableSMTP-TLS"  "0"

"EnablePOP3-TLS"  "0"


"EnableSMTP-TLS"  "1"

"EnablePOP3-TLS"  "1"

f.   Ű йȣ ɷ 쿡 ۵ ʽϴ. Ʒ йȣ ؾ մϴ.

openssl rsa -in server.key -out ssl_nopass.key

Enter pass phrase for server.key: йȣ Է

g.   Xmail





III.         ϼ ȳ




ϼ ʿ سҽϴġϽ [ϼ >> ϼ FAQ] ϵǾ ֽϴƷ Ʈ ̸ Ȯغ ֽϴ.




ϼ ۰ , Ʈ(ȭ)
ϼ ȳ
Ƽ ߰ ȳ
Ÿ ȳ

ִ ÷ ȳ
Ŭ̾Ʈ(ƿ ) ȳ

ϰ ȭ ȳ
ȭ ǻ
Ÿ Ƿ ϰ Ҷ ǻ




IV.        POP3(ƿ ) ̿ȳ




ƿ Ŭ̾Ʈ ޱ ߻ ذå سҽϴ. ġϽ [POP3 ̿ȳ] ϵǾ ֽϴƷ Ʈ ̸ Ȯغ ֽϴ.




1. POP3/SMTP ȳ.

2. ϱ - Office Outlook

3. ϱ - Outlook Express

4. ƿ α׷ ÿ ǻ.

5. ƿ α׷ ʰ ɼ.




V.  ϸ м ȳ




ۼŰ ߻ϴ ϸ(ۼ ޼) ذå سҽϴ. ġϽ ܸ޴ [ϸ м] ϵǾ ֽϴƷ Ʈ ̸ Ȯغ ֽϴ.




    - 417 Temporary delivery error
    - The maximum number of delivery attempts has been reached
    - End of socket stream data
    - Invalid server address
    - Bad server response
޴» ʴ
    - 550 User unknown
    - 550 Mailbox unavailable
    - 550 5.1.1 No such user
    - 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.co.kr account (userid@domain.com) [-5] - mta114.mail.krs.yahoo.com
    - 550 Account disabled
    - 550 5.1.1 Inactive mbox
    - 550 5.1.1 Suspended user
    - 554 delivery error: dd Sorry your message to userid@domain.com cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102]. - mta115.mail.krs.yahoo.com
޴» Ͽ뷮 ʰ
    - 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation - <userid@domain.com>
    - The recipient's mailbox is full
޴» Լ(Űź) ܵ
    - 550 You are registered as spammer (by user's reject list)
    - 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable (userid: mail is denied, by spam filter)
Ϲ߼۱ ų
    - 550 Relay denied
    - 554 Relay operation rejected
    - 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for userid@domain.com
߼ зκ IP ܵ
    - 550 5.7.1 <userid@domain.com>... Error.your access was denied.? Since you sent too many e-mails,you are not allowed to send more e-mails within 24 hours.After 24 hours,you can send e-mails as usual.If you did not send any e-mails,which is considered as a spam,you'd better register
    - 421 4.3.2 Your IP( is filtered and this connection will be closed. You must register your IP to http://realip.naver.com
    - 421 4.3.1 You send too many messages.
    - 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'Transaction failed. (SPAM_SUSPECT:IP_CONTROL) (http://cleanip.paran.com)'
    - 451 mta113.mail.krs.yahoo.com Resources temporarily unavailable. Please try again later [#4.16.5].
    - 421 4.3.2 Your ip is filtered by RBL (http://realip.naver.com/rbl/rblinfo.html)(IP:
    - 553 5.3.0 ... Rejected - see http://www.mail-abuse.org/rbl/
    - 553-mail rejected because your IP is in DUL. See http://www.mail-abuse.com/enduserinfo.html
ϼ νؼ ܵ
    - 553 Blocked for spam
    - 550 5.5.0 Your message was rejected.
ϼ ̷ νؼ ܵ
    - 550 Virus in your mail!!!
÷Ͽ ÷ -
    - 552 5.7.0 Illegal Attachment 36si248323nzk+I9:I15
޴» ־ ϸ ݺǴ
    - Mail loop detected
޴ ϼ ϴ ִũ⸦ ʰ
    - Message size excedes the server limit